Does my cell phone work overseas?

October 26th, 2009  |  Published in Travel Tips  |  1 Comment

Odds are that if your phone is a smartphone (iphone, Blackberry, or Treo) your phone will work in most country. The down side to having a phone that works just about everywhere is will be pay anywhere from $3.00 to $10.00/ min if you aren’t careful.

A Few Tips to make sure you aren’t suck with a huge bill.

  1. Check with your wireless provider to see what your options are for when traveling abroad. Personally if i am traveling only for about a month or less I will buy the international plan for my iPhone, because It allows me to browse the web, and use skype to make cheap calls.
  2. The best route for most people would just be a buy  a simple prepaid phone in the country they are going. Most people with choose this method only when they will be using the phone for emergency’s and special events.

Allow phones are nice anther cost effective way of communicating when abroad is goodiphone big old fashion e-mail. With the abunance of internet cafes throughout the world it makes it easy to use the internet to say in touch without even buy a phone. Not to mention that it is super cheap to use.


  1. Eric Lee says:

    October 26th, 2009 at 6:00 pm (#)

    Well said

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